“Can my roof be repaired?” is another question that homeowners have. The short answer is yes, a roof can be repaired. However, some factors should be considered in determining if a repair is the best option. Let’s first take a look at common roof repairs we perform at Green Country Roofing:

  • Chimney repairs—Chimney repairs involve replacing the shingles and metal around the chimney.
  • Blown-off shingles—It’s very common to replace shingles in Oklahoma because of frequent windstorms.
  • Repairing Popped Nails—Sometimes nails start to wiggle loose. This can happen for several reasons. The nail holes leak but are easily fixable.
  • Valley repairs—Due to improper installation, a valley might leak. An entire valley section can be replaced.
  • Pipe jacks—Pipe jacks sometimes break down before they should. Shingles around a pipe jack can be removed, and a new pipe jack can be installed.

    We looked at some common roof repairs. Let’s take a quick look at other factors that can help you decide if a repair is a right decision for you.

  • Storm damage—Your first thought might be to get your roof repaired, but storm damage like hail and wind is covered by your insurance policy. Getting a roof inspection can help you ascertain the overall health of your roof. You may be better off filing a claim on your roof.
  • The appearance of your roof after a repair—Having a repair done on your roof might alter the appearance of your roof for the worse. If the shingles on your roof are aged considerably or the current shingle is no longer made, repairing with brand-new shingles could end up making your roof look worse in that the repair will be obvious.
  • Cost—If your roof needs repair, you may also want to find out the cost of replacement. Knowing the price of both can help you decide which is best. Consider that an older roof might need several repairs over a 3–5-year period, and the price of those can easily add up. Would it make more sense to apply that money toward full roof replacement, or are the costs of the repairs manageable?
  • Condition of the roof—The condition of a roof should be considered before a repair is done. An older roof that is extremely fragile might not be easily repaired because you might repair one area, then the area around that section might start to break thus creating a bigger problem. In that case, a full replacement would be a better option.

We hope this has provided some insight for you about repairing your roof. Considering these other factors will help you decide if a repair or replacement is right for you. If you need a roof inspection so that you get answers tailored to your specific situation, please reach out to us. We’re here to help.


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